-->down     <--Heavy Haulage  [1929][1929][1938][1939] |1944[1945][1949][1951][1953]

M i l e s t o n e s   o f   t h e   h e a v y   h a u l a g e
The heavy haulage vehicles as a small part of the vehicle development

1944 Crane 120 ton trailer (Crane Chassis No. 6815 and 6818)

120 ton Trailer

İby John L.B. Crane "We made Trailers"


Section from original drawing No. CR120
İCrane Trailers of Dereham Ltd.


Section from original drawing No. CR120
İCrane Trailers of Dereham Ltd.

 <--up     <--Heavy Haulage  [1929][1929][1938][1939] |1944[1945][1949][1951][1953]